He kept on saying you would never come any more, and that I was a foolish woman. 他也不断地跟我说,你再也不会回来了,说我是一个傻女人。
I always thought my brother's wife was a foolish woman. 我一直都认为我的弟媳是个愚蠢的女人。
The right to education of the minors, women, ethnic minorities, the handicapped and the poverty-stricken people should be protected. Only a foolish man allows his wife to domineer him, whereas a wise woman, respects the wishes of her husband 保障未成年人、妇女、少数民族、残疾人和贫困人口等的教育权利。疾人畏妇,贤女敬夫
She's a foolish interfering old woman! 她是个瞎管闲事的老太太!
A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing. 愚昧的妇人喧囔。他是愚蒙,一无所知。
I had already became a foolish woman. 我想我已经是一个不折不扣的傻女人了。
The foolish woman is full of noise; she has no sense at all. 愚昧的妇人喧嚷。她是愚蒙,一无所知。
It is a blessing that a foolish man got married with a foolish woman. 愚蠢的男人和愚蠢的女人结婚是一种幸福;
Janie, the heroine of Their Eyes Were Watching God refused to live in sorrow, fear or foolish romantic dreams. After having gone through three marriages, she acquired self-voice and became an independent woman. At last, she returned hometown. 《他们眼望上苍》中的主人公珍妮不甘心生活在恐惧、愚蠢的浪漫梦想之中,经历了三次婚姻后寻找到了自己的声音,成长为独立的女性,最后回到了自己的家乡。